Children's Ministry Liberty Church is committed to helping children grow from the knowledge of Christ, to a relationship with Christ, to becoming a lifelong, committed follower of Christ.
NEWBORN - KINDERGARDEN Your preschooler will love everything the Liberty Church team has in store for them! We provide games, fellowship, Bible verses, crafts, and activities all based on God's Word, taught at a child's level.
1ST GRADE - 5TH GRADE Students at this age will enter the Liberty Kids program to find awesome, qualified leaders who create an exciting atmosphere where kids can discover God's calling while building a relationship with Jesus Christ. We have great teachers that lead our Kids Church with worship, teaching and games.
Vacation Bible School We usually have VBS in the month of June at Liberty Church
VOLUNTEER If you are interested in serving in our Kids Ministry, please contact Anita Terry at anitaterryrf@gmail.com |